Course Curriculum

The courses and research activities for the award of the MSc degrees are described as follows:

(a) Each course is taught in Greek for 39 hours, which correspond to 13 meetings of three (3) hours each. The courses are seminar-based and are divided into two categories: core courses and elective courses.

(b) Each offered course is credited with units (ECTS) ‘taking into account the total workload required for successful completion’ (Article 2, paragraph 1, of ministerial decision Φ5/89656/B3, Government Gazette 1466/13-8-2007). The total workload per semester is assessed at a maximum of thirty (30) ECTS credits. Specifically:

i. Courses are credited with 10 ECTS.

ii. The postgraduate dissertation is credited with 20 ECTS (research – writing).

iii. To obtain a Specialized Postgraduate Degree, the completion of ninety (90) credits (ECTS) is required.

(c) Students are required to attend and successfully pass at least seven (7) postgraduate courses, which correspond to 70 credits, provided they undertake to successfully complete a postgraduate dissertation equivalent to twenty (20) credits. The postgraduate dissertation is an obligatory empirical research, with a minimum duration of one semester and cannot exceed two semesters. If students choose not to undertake a postgraduate dissertation, they are required to successfully pass at least nine (9) postgraduate courses, corresponding to ninety (90) credits. Each course is graded from 0-10, with a passing grade considered as 5. Specifically:

i. Postgraduate students of each specialization are required to successfully attend the four (4) core courses (4 x 10 ECTS = 40 ECTS), which are taught during the first two semesters of studies.

ii. Postgraduate students who choose to undertake a dissertation are required to successfully attend three (3) elective courses, while those who choose not to undertake a dissertation must successfully attend five (5) elective courses.

iii. Postgraduate students who choose to undertake a dissertation may, in case of unsuccessful completion, replace it with the successful completion of two elective courses, provided they have not exceeded the maximum total completion time of the program (Chapter 1.6 of this document).

iv. In order to ensure that postgraduate students have acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the fields covered by the MSc program, they must have successfully completed at least 30 ECTS credits from the digital skills course group and at least 30 ECTS credits from the soft & combinatory skills course group (the ECTS credits of the dissertation are not included).

v. Postgraduate students who choose to undertake a dissertation must declare it to the secretariat of the MSc program with their signature by the end of the first semester, as specified annually by the EDE for each academic year; otherwise, they will not have the right to make this choice.


(3 Core Courses)

Course Title Credit Units (ECTS)
Advanced Research Methodology in Education Sciences 10 ECTS
Critical Extensions of Digital Pedagogy 10 ECTS
Utilization of Soft Skills in Education Sciences 10 ECTS

Common Curriculum for the 2nd Semester

(1 Core Course and 2 Elective Courses)

Course Title Credit Units (ECTS)
Information Systems and Skills in Education 10 ECTS
Elective (1 compulsory course from the corresponding specialization)
Elective Course 1 (from the corresponding specialization)* 10 ECTS
Elective Course 2 (from the corresponding specialization)* 10 ECTS

3rd Semester Curriculum with Thesis

(Thesis & 1 Elective Course)

Course Title Credit Units (ECTS)
Postgraduate Thesis 20 ECTS
Elective (1 compulsory course from the corresponding specialization)
Elective Course 3 (from the corresponding specialization)* 10 ECTS

3rd Semester Curriculum without Thesis

(3 Elective Courses)

Course Title Credit Units (ECTS)
Elective Course 3 (from the corresponding specialization)* 10 ECTS
Elective Course 4 (from the corresponding specialization)* 10 ECTS
Elective Course 5 (from the corresponding specialization)* 10 ECTS

* In order for an elective course to be offered, it must be selected by at least fifteen (15) postgraduate students.

(d) After the end of the 2nd semester, those students who wish to and meet the criteria of paragraph c, proceed to the preparation of a postgraduate thesis under the supervision of one of the professors of the MSc program, appointed by decision of the SE. Specifically:

  1. The postgraduate thesis must be relevant to the education sciences. For the examination of the thesis, a three-member committee is appointed, including the supervisor and two other members from the professors of the MSc program. The postgraduate thesis is graded from 0-10, with a passing grade considered as 5.
  2. The appointment of the three-member committee is made by the SE, following an application by the supervising professor and after the completion of the postgraduate thesis writing.

(e) The offered courses may be moved from semester to semester depending on the teaching capabilities of the Department and in accordance with the ECTS credit system, upon the proposal of the SE of the MSc program and the approval of the EDE.

(f) The offered courses may be taught by one or more instructors if deemed necessary by the SE of the MSc program, in order to cover the syllabus of an expanded and/or interdisciplinary subject area.

(g) The SE may propose to the EDE to consider the possibility of teaching some courses during the summer period. The requirements for attending and examining the courses in the summer semester remain the same as those provided for in the present regulation.

Course List

General Pedagogical Courses


Teaching Methodology Common course for all specializations 10
Modern Educational Trends Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
The Science of Education in Early Childhood Specialization in Early Childhood Education 10
Pedagogy of Social and Cultural Approaches Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
Intercultural Approaches in Early Childhood Education Specialization in Early Childhood Education 10
Combined Skills Courses Specialization ECTS
Critical Extensions of Digital Pedagogy Common course for all specializations 10
Advanced Research Methodology in Education Sciences Common course for all specializations 10
Advanced Research Designs and Data Analysis Methods in Education Sciences Common course for all specializations 10
Modern Learning Theories in the Information Society Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
Differentiated Pedagogy and New Technologies Specialization in Early Childhood Education 10
Digital Skills Courses Specialization ECTS
Information Systems and Skills in Education Common course for all specializations 10
Utilization of New Technologies in the Learning Process Common course for all specializations 10
Creation of Interactive Educational Material Common course for all specializations 10
Creation and Use of E-books in Education Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
E-learning and Communication Platforms Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
Data and Information Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
Use and Creation of Educational Software Applications Specialization in Early Childhood Education 10
Soft Skills Courses Specialization ECTS
Utilization of Soft Skills in Education Sciences Common course for all specializations 10
Innovation and Creative Learning in Education Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
Interpersonal Skills and Communication in Early Childhood Education Specialization in Early Childhood Education 10
Interpersonal Skills and Communication in Education Specialization in Education & Lifelong Learning 10
Creativity and Innovation in Early Childhood Specialization in Early Childhood Education 10

Postgraduate Thesis Support

The postgraduate thesis is evaluated by a three-member committee consisting of the supervisor and two others appointed by the SE.

During the examination process of the postgraduate thesis, the three-member committee considers and evaluates the following:

  1. the general research ability of the student,
  2. the adequate bibliographic documentation of the topic,
  3. the quality and validity of the bibliographic sources,
  4. the methodology followed for the investigation of the topic,
  5. the way of processing and analyzing the research data in relation to the purpose of the study,
  6. the scientific contribution of the thesis,
  7. the clarity in formulating the goals – questions – hypotheses of the study as well as the concepts,
  8. the overall quality and clarity of the concepts of the thesis.

After the successful defense of the thesis, the candidate is required to submit a copy of their thesis in printed form, as well as a digital version to the Department’s Secretariat.